Monday, October 22, 2007


ok its not the first time i thought about this..
and yes i'm sure it might already be documented somewhere..
and i don't think i can completely take credit for coming up with the idea..
coz i think i was introduced to it by one professor prabhu in class xii.
anyway here it is.

u know, i feel that mankind is the finished product of what this planet has to offer us at this point of time.(not to cognate about the future when robots might have taken over)

and it is truly the sum of all life that has ever existed.
everything that ever lived has got us to this point of existence.
and it is best embodied in the life cycle of a human.

we start off as single celled organisms (when egg and sperm unite).
much like how science tells us life began. single celled organisms.
then we, the single cell, divide into a multicellular ball,
like most of the multicellular simple organisms.
then the cells start developing specialised functions,
well documented in science of evolution.
then we start living like fish, breathing through gills,
a limbless life, just surviving by looking for prospective food sources.
then the arms develop from where there were none
and the gills slowly give way to lungs.
the first sign of higher evolution.
then after parturation, the process does not stop.
now we are land-dwelling animals, crawling initially,
dependant on external sources for food.
after crawling comes walking on fours,
much like our simian cousins.
but then our backs straighten and the final stage of evolution
which made us from monkeys to men occurs when we start walking upright.
then we learn to communicate and if luck be good (survival of the fittest)
develop a keen mind, a mind that has been destined to be through billions of years of evolution.
we learn, and we teach and we learn some more and we learn about other organisms,
something that was missing through the entire evolutionary process..
this is the sharp end.
and then when we have learnt a decent amount, we decide to write blogs.
(last line not intended to make the discussion a joke or a light-hearted article.
what the hell it might as well- we are smart enough aren't we?)

1 comment:

nishad said...

hey i just thought about this..
i have got the perfect image to describe the post..
i will upload it at the earliest!!

once again i out think myself!