Friday, December 14, 2007

The Spirits Within

under the shower..

i was looking at my stubble which has grown considerably in the last week..
i was thinking of when i wud shave it off (post 18 jan i thought to myself..)
i was thinking of the circumstances that i wud have to shave it off in(chance encounter with the 'first time hit'... see russel crowe in beautiful mind hehe)
so i was thinking do i have to carry a razor?
or do it "cold mountain" style hehe
but for that i'd need the knife of my dreams.. the one i always dream of..

so then i thought about how i wud carry the knife.. a belt on the thigh sounded like the coolest.. (a'la Zissou and his Glocks!)
so then thought about which other situation it might come handy in..


train robbery.. we are tied up.. i ask the person next to me to reach for the knife somehow..
cut me loose.. i cut them loose.. we kill the guard who is watching us.. close all entry points into our carriage..
then i manage to sneak out of the door on the side of the engine to get to the link between the carriages..
the way those pani-wallahs do on the trains to guj.. hehe.. somehow manage to disconnect the leading car from us..
and get back into the carriage before the goons at the back realise.. then once we pull the emergency brakes (i do not know how they work? without the engine?)
we are standing still right? now the goons either realise that it was us who did it or their comrades in the leading cars decided to ditch them..
so they wud get to work on us.. i take up command.. call the shots.. ask for a thick book and pull it under my shirt(part bullet-proof)..
then i discuss my plan.. ok im rushing out to knock out the nearest guy with a gun.. with my knife..
i'll need cover fire so i need five guys to get off with me and fire railway stones at them..
the good shots take single stones and fire.. the worse shots take handfuls and throw them randomly..
i explain that it is highly unlikely that i will live thru the ordeal.. so i need someone to take over when im gone.. and complete the tasks..
once we have a gun.. we shoot at the other goons.. and try to take their guns..
i also explain the 'recover me' procedure incase im still breathing at the end..
i 'teach' them how to remove the bullets from me and then press down on the cut.. to prevent excess blood loss..
oh and before leaving.. i tell the guys with the girls to not leave them whatever happens.. to die with them if need be ;)
and i tell the others.. you'll die with me.. as i jump off..

Monday, November 19, 2007

how one grows up!

there are certain things that i would never do a few years ago..
and now nothing can stop me from doing those..

what causes these changes in the head..
i mean isn't it the same me now and then..
what changed?

not in a mood to exemplify now.. will do so soon..

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

laugh at the truth?

ok.. i noticed one thing..
people tend to laugh at the simple things in life..
simple observations.. made by anyone and expressed
completely truthfully in a simple manner will undoubtedly make you laugh..

one may say that i have drwan the conclusion from many sources but the one that really got me thinking, and i have already unwittingly given a hint in the sentence, was bicentennial man which i happened to re-see yesterday..

in one/many of the inconsequential dialogue exchanges between andrew and portia, portia always mentions that no one had/has been able to make her laugh as much as andrew did..
what i noticed was that she was finding the simplest of observations funny.. if not outrightly so, at least subtly.. like when he says ''i never quite understood the meaning of pearls before swine"..
now this is funny for her as well as the audience..
but we use that expression pretty often though not everyday.. and we never give it a second look.. but here when it is highlighted.. at least to me it was very funny..

another incident occurred today or maybe it was yesterday.. i cannot recall exactly at this time..
but it was this incident that instigated me to write this entry..
it was with sadhu, and one of my observations was funny for him..
its not the first time that a mundane observation has been found amusing
it happened many times before with a wide spectrum of peoples..

i guess.. its about the way i was brought up.. my parents though encouraged, never forced their concepts of any thing upon me.. they fortuitously were not aware what a great influence that has had on my life.. and i thank them for it..
so the things that many people take for granted are still a novelty for me..
and i do not mean that i was deprived of life experiences.. i will not be too far off the truth if i said that i have had a very full life, almost full enough for more than one my age..
but it is the small things that do no matter in day-to-day functioning that i missed out on..
now i cannot put my finger on any particular incident.. but there have been many..
and well if it brings a smile on peoples faces.. who am i to complain?
and this entry was in no means of imagination a complain of any sort.

Monday, October 22, 2007


ok its not the first time i thought about this..
and yes i'm sure it might already be documented somewhere..
and i don't think i can completely take credit for coming up with the idea..
coz i think i was introduced to it by one professor prabhu in class xii.
anyway here it is.

u know, i feel that mankind is the finished product of what this planet has to offer us at this point of time.(not to cognate about the future when robots might have taken over)

and it is truly the sum of all life that has ever existed.
everything that ever lived has got us to this point of existence.
and it is best embodied in the life cycle of a human.

we start off as single celled organisms (when egg and sperm unite).
much like how science tells us life began. single celled organisms.
then we, the single cell, divide into a multicellular ball,
like most of the multicellular simple organisms.
then the cells start developing specialised functions,
well documented in science of evolution.
then we start living like fish, breathing through gills,
a limbless life, just surviving by looking for prospective food sources.
then the arms develop from where there were none
and the gills slowly give way to lungs.
the first sign of higher evolution.
then after parturation, the process does not stop.
now we are land-dwelling animals, crawling initially,
dependant on external sources for food.
after crawling comes walking on fours,
much like our simian cousins.
but then our backs straighten and the final stage of evolution
which made us from monkeys to men occurs when we start walking upright.
then we learn to communicate and if luck be good (survival of the fittest)
develop a keen mind, a mind that has been destined to be through billions of years of evolution.
we learn, and we teach and we learn some more and we learn about other organisms,
something that was missing through the entire evolutionary process..
this is the sharp end.
and then when we have learnt a decent amount, we decide to write blogs.
(last line not intended to make the discussion a joke or a light-hearted article.
what the hell it might as well- we are smart enough aren't we?)


this blog was created to highlight and (try to) record the weird/crazy thoughts that i have throughout the course of a normal day.
the content of the blog is intended to be abstract and may not entirely make sense.
well its here and for all to see..
please do.